World War II caused a shortage of leather, metal frames, zippers, and mirrors so people resorted to using plastic and wood for their designer handbags. The construction of the handbag is not the only thing that changed with time, but also the contents of what a woman's purse. For instance, in 1940, a woman would carry a lipstick or two, mad money, a change purse, a hairnet, a compact, a fountain pen, a supermarket shopping list, and a freshly laundered handkerchief. Up until 1947, the Paris fashion houses were shut down but upon their reopening, top designers such as Christian Dior, Hermes, Cristobal Balenciaga, and Louis Vuitton made their big debut with their fashion forward designs that forever changed the fashion industry.Over the centuries, handbags have evolved from a simple, little pouch into something that we lust after.
We do not want designer handbags, we need them. Luckily for us, we have the option of choosing a designer handbag that can be used for utility or as an accessory or both. We can also pick a bag that fits our moods and outfits. We are not limited to one type of bag. There are hobo bags, shoulder bags, messenger bags, tote bags, beach bags, and purses. We can choose cloth, snake skin, leather, pleather, duct tape, and starburst wrappers and bags with designs- the infamous Louis Vuitton and Dooney and Burke. Handbags have come to symbolize individuality and changing times. Think about what a person from the 17th and 18th century would carry in their bags. Now, think about what you currently carry around.
In a handbag belonging to a woman in the 21th century, you may find a cell phone, car keys, a wallet containing credit and debit cards, a check book, pens, hand sanitizer, gum, mints, a brush, hairspray, a makeup bag, multiple lipsticks/lip glosses, and receipts that date back two years ago. We have become slaves to our handbags and feel naked without them. Designers never cease to amaze us with their new designs and continue to feed our obsession. Let's face it, our love for handbags will never grow old because it's like what Madonna once said, ""We are living in a material world, and I am a material girl."""
Reference materials:
Replica Gucci Handbags
Replica Hermes Handbag